How much does it cost to study in the UK?
Tuition fees vary based on institution
How much money as a proof of funds do I need to show?
UK study permit students must prove that they have sufficient funds to cover their tuition fees and financial capacity (Tuition plus 10,00,000 INR) to support living expenses for the first year of study.
Is IELTS needed?
IELTS or Proof of Language is one of the main admission criteria’s in most of the Universities, so it is mandatory.
What If my VISA gets rejected.
If an application is refused, one can re-apply to those Universities.
Is it possible to work part-time in the UK?
Study permit holders may be allowed to work for up to 20 hours per week during regular academic sessions and full time during scheduled breaks.
Can I stay back after the completion of my studies?
A student who has studied full-time Bachelors or Masters will be eligible for 2 years of Post study work permit.
Can my spouse join me?
The open work permit for a spouse or common-law partner may be valid for the same period of time as the study permit
Is there any Scholarship?
It depends. You can apply for scholarship.
When do I start?
If you have already decided then the time is NOW.